In order for a small condominium to feel like home, giving attention to every part of it is essential. People who want to design and decorate their small condominiums need to find a way to make every room special that fit the theme that is wanted. Often, the rooms that get all the attention are living rooms and bedrooms. Kitchens, too, need attention because there is much work done in this area especially for families who love eating and entertaining. Great condominiums start with having functional and creative small condominium interiors, and this is where the help of an interior designer comes in handy.
An expert interior designer such as Intarya would be able to come up with a luxury interior design concept that would transform whatever small space he has to work on.
Everyone dreams of having the most spacious kitchen possible. Nevertheless, the problem is not everyone has the luxury of space. Hence, transforming a small condominium kitchen into a more spacious-looking and functional one is quite a challenge. To be able to have a more spacious looking kitchen, all that condominium owners need to think about is good storage.
Here are some things your interior designer would advise you to do if you were planning to improve the kitchen of your small condominium:
• Do not forget about the corners. If people forget about using the corners, then they are just going to waste a space. Look for built-in cabinets in furniture shops. These cabinets can store groceries, or even kitchen tools. People who like to bake can also allocate a corner for baking utensils and ingredients as to separate them from everyday cooking gears. Prices are bound to vary from one furniture store to another. Thus, it is a good idea to canvas before making any purchase.
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• Use the space above the fridge
Purchase one that is shorter than the ceiling to be able to create space above it. You can utilize the space by making the top of the fridge a storage area of either pans or other tools that are less used.
• Declutter
Clutter is a small condominium owner’s worst nightmare. To be able to have a more spacious looking kitchen, it is better to hide every hide-able thing as possible. Why don’t you try a microwave drawer to hide your microwave? Microwaves are not used all the time and they can look like clutter. A microwave drawer can give you easy access to it if you need it, and it can hide the microwave when it is not being used making your kitchen appear cleaner and more spacious.
• Pullout storages
Every little inch is important. It is important to make use of every space possible. For small condominium interiors to look great, it is a good idea to have storages such as the easy pullout ones. Accommodating a ceiling height double door pantry seems implausible in small condominium suites. Create different kinds of storages that do not eat space. They are also available at other furniture shops, but of course, it comes with a price.
• Buy Wisely
Never buy too much kitchen stuff that in the end has no use to you. Many people like buying stuff. If you are a small condominium owner, think twice before buying stuff that have merely duplicate other existing stuff in the condominium. This is the most basic reason why small condominiums are so stuffed. If it gets at this point, get rid of the excess stuff – give them away, donate them or better yet, make some money by reselling them in a garage sale.
The most important principle is to be realistic with the amount space, deal with it, and then create appropriate small condominium interiors in the kitchen that smartly work for small space rather than against it. There are already many solutions out there; visit furniture stores specializing in condominium stuff and you’ll get loads of ideas on how to perk your space. Indeed, you don’t need to have a big floor space to transform your condominium. With a bit of creativity, you’d have a condominium with the luxury interior design you’ve always wanted.
great tips!
Thank you so much for the wonderful tips! We are going to be renovating our small single mobile home soon and although it’s not a condo, there is very little kitchen space. I’ll be making sure to utilize as much space as possible effectively.
these are great tips for small apartments too!
I’m looking into rearranging real small kitchen myself, but truth be told, I’d rather have the one from the picture. :))
So cute!
thank you so much for these tips! i live in an apartment and have a small kitchen and i am always trying to find ways to make it seem bigger and be more functional (and less irritating!) I am going to look into a microwave drawer thanks to your tips!
very informative article
Great to put forth thought in spaces which can change our overall mindset in daily life. I appreciated your use of corners tips & myself utilize my kitchen corner next to the stove with a lazy susan. Ontop of it are my oils, vinegars, sauces, & toothpicks in decorative containers. Pleasing to view & within close reach though out of the way.
I feel like I’m always looking for ways to add space. I can really appreciate these ideas. Thanks!
I love the right setup can make a small kitchen feel very spacious. The custom cabinets really open up more storage space.
Lazy suzans for corners are great storage helps.
If there is one space that I call my own in the house – it is the kitchen. Thanks for the great tips you have shared. I need all of those since I know that I can be one clutter diva…
The kitchen is the heart of my home and I make sure to make that space as comfortable and appealing as I can.
Great advice as always!! It’s hard to move around in my closet-size kitchen and I really could use the tips you listed to help me organize my cluttered kitchen better. I love to make my own bread and I am so desperately in need of more counter space!
Thanks, great article. We have a small kitchen and lots of kitchen stuff, this helps!
great tips!!! this yellow kitchen is gorgeous its so vibrant
Great tips, my only problem with using space above the refrigerator is that I can’t get to it without a ladder.
Great tips! My kitchen is tiny and it always seems to look cluttered
My kitchen is really small so these are really useful tips!
I really liked your post — I especially appreciated your advice to not forget the corners, use the space above the fridge and especially that clutter is a small condo owner’s worst nightmare. Great job!
I love the kitchen, Thanks for the great tips. Even I live in a house, I don;t have a big kitchen so I can use these tip too
i love this kitchen
We have a teeny kitchen that is actually attached to our living room (gotta love apartments). These are great tips and ideas!! Thanks so much
I am a big supporter of pull-out storage. We did three sets of floor to almost ceiling pull-out pantry sectionals and were able to put so many things behind doors but easily accessible.
I love a good kitchen! No matter how small the space! (: