Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
– Scott Adams
Welcome to What Simply Works!
Thanks for taking time to drop by this page and know more about this blog. 🙂
We are a family of 8 (three furbabies) and we are mostly homebuddies. We try our best to keep the home cozy but it’s not always easy. We still need a hand when it comes to cleaning, organizing, and decluttering.
This blog is mostly about the home – decor, interior design, gardening, but most of all upcycling, recycling and a bit of green living…we publish some things we learn along the way.
The quote is one of our favourites, simply because we believe that our simple actions of being considerate to the helpless creature, to deciding to live greener impacts the lives of many others.
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