When moving, it is important to do things in order. There are important things to do before you move – not just the bills but smaller things like informing particular people.
Some people do not remember all the places where they need to file a change of address. Most simply use a USPS change of address form or a service offering that service and leave the rest to chance. Even if you use a one-stop service to change your address, there are still some notifications that are easy to forget. It is always best to make an actual checklist to see if everyone has been properly notified. Addresses aside, here are some more things to do before you move.
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Let Your Landlord Know
Legally, the first thing to do is letting your landlord know, or the company you are leasing from that you will move. Read on your contract, because you might need 2 months or more before the date of your moving out. Otherwise, you would lose money paying rent.
Utility & Maintenance Companies
These are the first change of address contacts that receive a notice. It is hard to forget them, since most of the time, unless you are moving out of state, you will have to transfer service. Gas, water, electricity, sewer, trash and recycling, and telephone services do not usually require a second thought.
Cell phone companies also need to be notified of the change. Because it is common to keep the same number, and because service is nationwide, people do not often think about changing the address on their accounts. Most people also opt for paperless billing, which places it even lower on a priority list. Often, the change of address here can be handled with a simple phone call or by logging into your account online and manually editing your contact information.
Contact Removal Companies
You will also need to communicate with other contracted laborers for your move. Housekeepers and cleaning companies should be given enough notice so that they can plan to show up at your new residence. If you no longer plan to use them, it is courteous to let them know so that they can adjust for the change in schedule and the loss of revenue. Lawncare professionals and pool maintenance firms should get the same notice as cleaning companies.
Doctors, veterinarians and dentists do not often top the list of those who need to be notified when there is a move. Often, people do not update their addresses until they attend their next scheduled visit and the receptionist verifies the personal information on file. Schools, home security, credit card companies, and insurance companies usually get the notice, as you do not want your personal information to fall into the wrong hands.
Frequent flyer programs, subscription services and local gym memberships need to be notified as well. They often send promotional items via mail and new residents at your old home will consider this junk mail.
Clear Out and Garage Sale
To make it lighter, take out the contents of your home that you don’t need but you think others might need. Scour out your storages and sheds as well for many stuff you may have put in and forgetting after. Hold a garage sale, or online sale through your social media accounts. Remember, one’s trash could be another’s treasure, if this isn’t the case you can always donate to charity.
Pay All Bills
Pay electricity bills, water bills, telephone bills (if any) to avoid having a run in with these companies later on. As a responsible citizen, make sure that every single bill is clear. This is another of the more important things to do before you move.
Box Stuff and Label
On the days leading to your move, box your stuff and label them properly. Well, start early – so that you don’t run out of time. Do each room one at a time, do not use big boxes to make carrying them easier. Make sure you pack fragile items properly. Pack stuff that you are still using last, and remove those you don’t need as you go.
Things to Do Before You Move Takeaways and More
Moving home could be stressful, that’s why planning ahead is the key. Friends and family will play a big role to make your move a lot easier and smoother. Moving experts will of course make everything handy, so always consider your options. Make a list of these 7 things to do before you move as well, and add your own things to do to take off some stress moving home brings.
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